Old information about St Francis' will be transferred here for you as the information is no longer relevant.
Summer Fair - 20/06/09
We held our Summer Fair on Saturday 20th June. We raised over £600. Thank you to everyone who came and made the day so fun and successful!
Pilgrimage to Rome - July 2009 Fr Ron has taken a group of people from several parishes including St Francis' to Rome. They had an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, and celebrated the life of St Benedict as well as visited the Spiritual home of Christianity. Click here to view photographs of the Pilgrimage. St Cuthberts, Castle Vale Many from St Francis' joined people from several other parishes at St Cuthberts, Castle Vale for an evening of light entertainment provided by Elspeth and Michael O'Sullivan. This was a fundraiser for ACS and was a great success. Go to the ACS website to see great pictures of the event. Congratulations To Fr Andrew on his Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood which took place on Wednesday 24th June. Ordained by Bishop Andrew in the presence of family and friends this was an occasion which we at St Francis are exceptionally proud of. We pray for Fr Andrew as he begins his ministry and ask everyone to join us in wishing him well and for God's blessing on his future work. We also raised £218 for the Additional Curates Society - so thank you! Please click here for photographs of the ordination. First Mass Fr Andrew's First Mass took place before his friends, family and parish family of Friar Park on Sunday 28th June. It was an excellent celebration and Fr Andrew gave his First Blessing. Please click here for photographs of the First Mass Ordination & First Mass DVD A Commemorative DVD of Fr Andrew's Ordination and First Mass will be available for sale shortly. More details coming soon! St Martin's, Wolverhampton On Wednesday 22nd July we are invited to S Martin's, Wolverhampton for Fr John Oakes' last Dedication Festival before he retires, and on Saturday 25th July there was S James', Wednesbury's Patronal Festival Mass.