If you wish to book a baptism you should call at the Church on a Wednesday evening at 7.00pm
We do like to make sure that Baptisms are friendly and personal, and therefore tend to have no more than one family at a time.
Under special circumstances the Priests are willing to discuss alternative times and dates if absolutely necessary.
Saint Francis' Church is the perfect place and setting to celebrate your wedding (see the pictures page to see the church). Even if you are divorced it may be possible for your wedding to take place in the Parish Church. Please speak to the Parish Priest.
If you wish to book a wedding you should call at the Church on a Wednesday Evening at 7.00pm. We will then help you arrange your day and make it both special and painless for you.
We have produced a booklet to help you choose some music you may want to consider for your wedding. Please download it and then call at the Church on a Wednesday we will be happy to let you take one home to make your decision or, alternatively you may download your copy by following the link.Funerals
The Funeral Director will normally make contact on your behalf but please make sure that they know you want one of the clergy from Saint Francis to presude at the funeral.
We will also do all we can to support you and your family during this time.
Moving to a new house?
Why not invite the priest to conduct a service of blessing in your new home? It can be a simple affair, or you can invite your relatives, friends and your new neighbours - you can even have the prayers said as part of a housewarming party.
Are you, or somebody you know, ill?
Prayers are said in our church every day for those who are ill. If you would like to be prayed for yourself, or would like a friend or relative to be prayed for, please contact the parish priest or click here to send a prayer request. The priests are happy to visit you at home, or where possible, in hospital.
Whatever you are facing - your church is here!
Every house, in every street in Friar Park is part of our parish - this means we are serving you and your community. We also welcome many from further afield so if you feel at home with us, you can live in any parish and worship with us. If you want to talk to somebody about any aspect of your life journey; or if you want to know more about becoming a member of Saint Francis' Church; then simply contact one of the clergy or speak to one after any of the services.